He broke my heart, now he’s out to ruin my life.

my heart
Photo: mrbloaded.com

Dear Meg, please save my heart. I love reading your posts and I’m a big fan.

My problem has given me a lot of headache because I can’t find solutions to it. My ex and I broke over five years ago and I moved out of the city because I couldn’t endure the pains and anger it caused me.

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I have long heal and moved on with my life. He got married immediately to his wife whom he said is the mother of his two children.

One day, a message pop up from my WhatsApp and I had to check who it was an it was my ex, sending me messages and apologizing for breaking my heart. I told him it was fine and I have longed move on.

He told me he wanted to see me because he married the wrong woman and wants to divorce her and marry me.

That she’s dirty, abusive and doesn’t cook delicious meals for him and once told him she doesn’t give a fuck about his family. He told me he wants to marry me now.

What should I do? This brought old memories and mix feelings. I’m single and don’t know what to do?

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Reply on “he broke my heart”

Hello reader, this is someone’s husband and if he loved you that much he should have married you and not her. Please block him, and cut all ties with this guy. He may be lying to get into your bed again and doing everything possible to paint his wife a devil.

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Don’t be surprise he may not even have issues with her to start with. Please, run as fast as your legs can carry. Wait for a good man who doesn’t have this baggages.. Why will God want you to end up with a divorcee who has two children from his previous marriage and may go on to marry more women after you.

Please, don’t give him an opportunity to use you or emotionally wreck you again. Stay blessed!

Featured image does represent the author please. Photo: mrloaded.

Meg Udo

The Reader's Ink

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