Creating links to web pages in your HTML file is also very important. Links help you make references. It even helps in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). To help the user navigate your web page perfectly or even view other web pages that
In this lecture we will see how to include images on your web page and what are HTML image attributes. We will now add some images to our web page. Make sure anything you’re doing in this section is within the body
Let’s see how you to create your first web page. You have now installed your first plugin in your VSCode. As we proceed you may need to add more plugins using the same technique. So congratulations. Now if you are viewing the
What is HTML? HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is markup language and not a programming language. HTML documents are described by html tags such as <h1> <p> <a>. These tags describes a different type of content such as heading, paragraph
Before we start coding our HTML let’s know how to install VSCode which will use as our code editor. Code editors are programs we use in writing code before actually running it on the browser to see how our applications will work.
Welcome to TechForest Nigeria and thank you for finding time to look at our web development course. This web development course is designed to guide you on your journey to become a web developer. It is a beginners’ course and so I